The Salesforce Lending Hub is a single platform that provides intelligent integration and workflow automation with an embedded business intelligent engine. It is designed for Salesforce CRM users (sales, loan origination and credit administration) and integrates all popular core processors, loan origination systems, and popular lending systems. The Salesforce Lending Hub breaks down enterprise silos, minimizes data entry, and automates all manual lending tasks for a paperless, Lightning experience.
Introducing the
Salesforce Lending Hub
Multi Product Demo
The Salesforce Customer
Portal for Banking
The Salesforce
Banking Hub
February 1, 2024
Just 40% of the top 500 banks in the United States have achieved CRM adoption rates and sales performance that meet their expectations, the Salesforce Banking Hub solution for financial institutions includes the best practices of the highest performing banks.
Performance Insights and Apex IT partner to launch a series of Salesforce innovations for banking that incorporate Performance Insights’ latest research of the top 500 banks in the United States.
The Lightning Experience engages users and customers with an exceptional digital experience through simplified digital (paperless) lending for both lenders and borrowers.
Increase in
Increase in
(30% increase in
sales velocity)
Increase in
Conversion Rates
Increase in
Win Rates